HAM-EX™ does not provide security. HAM-EX™ staff is present for crowd control purposes only. Vendors and purchasers are solely responsible for the security of their property. HAM-EX™
accepts no liability or responsibility for the security of vendor or
purchaser property, which shall be at his or her own risk. HAM-EX™ provides no warranty whatsoever for any item purchased at the ham fest.
Table Ordering Instructions
Early Table Registration is back! Order and pay by February 24th, 2020 and receive a $5 per table discount!!
You have two options for ordering tables, extra vendor passes, and Grand Prize Tickets. Paypal is the preferred method as it is the quickest way to confirmed your order and reserve a table. If you use a credit card to pay, you do not need a paypal account to use this option. Last minute orders by mail can be problematic due to the extra delay involved using a Post Office box.
(A) To submit an order online using PayPal:
- Download and edit our Table Order Form.
- Send the completed form as an email attachment to vendors@ham-ex.ca.
- Submit your PayPal payment via the PayPal Website as directed below.
PayPal Instructions
- Go to the PayPal Website.
- Under the "Send Money" drop down menu, enter our vendors@ham-ex.ca email address, your order total and click continue.
- Follow the online instructions to pay by credit card or to use your Paypal account. That's it!
(B) To submit an order by mail, please:
- Download our Hamex Flyer.
- Print out the order form on page 2 and fill it out.
- Mail the form and cheque or money order to the address on the form.
- If possible, send an email to vendors@ham-ex.ca advising us that you have mailed the form. We will not be checking our post office box daily until 2 weeks prior to the event.